Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin – The Christ And Cornerstone (Live)

Watch “The Christ And Cornerstone (Live)” led by Josh Baldwin & Bethel Music live in Redding, CA
Word of life, the Messiah
Who traded heaven’s glory for a cross
Spotless Lamb, roaring Lion
Became the resurrection for us all
There is only one God, one King
Who reigns over everything
His Name is Jesus
His Name is Jesus
One light, one hope
The Christ and the Cornerstone
His Name is Jesus
His Name is Jesus
Our High Priest, Great Redeemer
His blood has torn the veil and made a way
Reconciled to the Father
Now boldly we approach the throne of grace
His Name is freedom
His Name is healing
His Name is power over the grave
For He is holy, He is the only
Name that is worthy of all of our praise
The Christ And Cornerstone (Live) – Bethel Music, Josh Baldwin